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Really fantastic interview. I loved The Ugly Organ when it came out, and I remember enjoying Happy Hollow, but I didn't keep up with Cursive after that, for no good reason. I checked out "Botch Job" thanks to the link in this article and I was floored by it. Really looking forward to checking out the new album when it gets released.

I loved the discussion that came about after you mentioned "The Denial of Death". I have absolutely had conversations over the years about how the creation of art and music is the closest thing we have to immortality. It's definitely been a motivating factor for me in recording and releasing music.

Our creations will love on long after we're gone. That's even more true now in the age where almost all of recorded music is available digitally and more of us fancy ourselves as archivists and revive long lost recordings and printed material through electronic formats that are easily distributed far and wide.

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