"Trust", indeed.

You are where you are because the scene values you, your approach and your style. I don't believe it's done for clicks, hoping other readers agree with me.

You seem sincere.

I so look forward to something from your catalog—new or old—in my inbox each week Norm.

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On the subject of trust especially in the crossroads of the internet and journalism I was reading an interview with the writer Dan Gardner who is working on a book with jimmy wales the creator of Wikipedia about trust I think the tentative title is called trust. What I like about this substack page is that Norman you are a respected journalist who a lot of people trust. Which is difficult to find someone on the net who is. That is why people respond to you so positively. I don’t know if you are familiar with the origin story of eBay. It originally started off as a site called webauction.com. Which was a complete failure. Then they put in a web designer who said why don’t you have a feedback forum so buyers know what sellers to trust based on past exchanges with sellers. The rest is history. Trust and Norman go hand in hand that is why anti-matter substack page is so popular. Keep on doing what you are doing.

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As far as the "I could have done"s, I certainly wouldn't have subscribed to this one if you would have done. It is exactly those kinda interviews (or essays) that make it worth the read. Make it special. And significantly different from others.

The only thing I'm really kinda scared about is that I won't and other interview anymore because they're lower level. I kinda had that with the print version of AM back then, too. Lotsa other HC publications seemed somewhat irrelevant (for lack of better wording) afterwards.

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I think it’s all just a matter of voice. I’ve had a long time to develop mine as an interviewer. Other folks are still finding theirs. Support them wherever they are in the journey and you might be surprised! x

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or you could be me, and just make up "I Wish I Was There" interviews.... -.-

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