These interviews are always insightful and informative, but I think this is the first one I've read that was actually transformative....to see the subject of the interview come away with the potential for a different understanding of themselves, goddamn.

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Well damn. This was a glorious way to spend my Friday morning. Paired perfectly with coffee and listening to their new LP. Thanks for sharing.

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Yo...too good. "Herberts on Holiday" is so beautiful. That video makes me cry. So raw and full of love. Thanks Norm and Mike.

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“Punk was the first thing where I wanted to drown and suffocate myself in a pool of it and never come out.”


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"So I hope that, no matter what, for the rest of my life and for as long as anyone listens to my records, maybe someone will listen to that [song], and then maybe they’ll go and research me. Maybe they’ll find this interview. Maybe there’s some hope for someone else in a song like that."

I have never battled drug addiction, but this brings tears to my eyes. I have my own demons to wrestle with and we all need hope of some kind - any real 3D person does. This Spiritual Cramp LP has such a wide ranging emotional palette and yet is so simple and catchy. It's almost criminal. I'm calling my lawyer.

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Interesting interview. A topic that I always found intriguing about punk rock which was touch on in this interview was the idea of a "democratic band". I have never been in a band but only read about how bands operate is the idea that a band needs a leader , which seems to my naive eyes so un-punk. Maybe this is a poor comparison but when the Dead Kennedys in the late 1990s started suing each other, east bay ray said something that always stuck with me about their band's chemistry. "the irony of the title of the DK's final record: Bedtime for democracy."

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when will Norman Brannon have a closed convention with him and the people he has interviewed? we need that. Like, we can go to somewhere (norm would know where), and toast english muffins, and play scrabble (and whatever else norm comes up with). This is a good idea. Take it from me. I know a good idea when I try to brainwash someone with it.

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Truly amazing interview as always and as others have said fascinating to go on that ride as Mike explores himself via your questioning. Totally get why he asked if you are trained. Maybe the Buddhism plays a role in why you are so good at this. Regardless thank you again for an amazing interview!

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