This was such a great piece, thank you for putting it out there. With everything going on in the world today, seeing this interview reminded me that while we are much more accepting these days, even forward-thinking communities like hardcore and punk still have a ways to go. Example: the transphobic rhetoric spewed by people like John Joseph and even the transphobic attacks from Mina Caputo to not just the LGBTQIA+ community but to Laura herself last year.

Thank you for all the great work you’re doing Norman. I still have my original issues of Anti-Matter so it’s amazing to see that you’ve brought it back in such a meaningful way!

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Wait...a six song EP?

Wonderful interview. Thanks. I was really struck by the "her most emotional work yet" cycle. I wonder what other artists are held to that unfair standard/expectation. That has given me pause.

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Excellent interview. Thank you.

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