I was so excited to see this interview pop up this morning! I stumbled upon Anxious at the start of summer and was instantly digging on them.

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Norman you mentioned that the drummer of snapcase got his phd while in snapcase didn’t one of the members of resurrection got to notre dame while he was in resurrection how did they make that work out? Also I was listening to a interview was Ian Mackaye and he thought that going to college was the least punk rock thing one can do. Also I was listening to an interview with Lyle preslar and said before ever minor threat lyle”s mother who criticize him for the way he dressed saying “you’re going to wear that on stage.” What I always thought was that lyle showed up for his audition for Samhain wearing a polo shirt and Danzig laughed at him.

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This is a fantastic, heartfelt interview, thanks to you both. I am one of those 50 year olds you mentioned that still goes to shows (and read Anti-Matter when it was paper). Now I go to shows with my son, who is 16...and I'll be sharing this interview with him. To know yourself at a young age and move towards something that others don't understand is scary, but so valuable. Thanks again.

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