I love this so very much! Comics and punk! My favorite songs by age 5 were The Spiderman theme song and I Wanna Be Sedated. And yes I didnt know what it meant and my older sister whose tapes set me ablaze with instant energy was probably pretry wise not to bother with explaining lyrics. I still lose myself and still relate my life while reading comics of all kinds. And I still think loud fast rules! I think we all need to escape a reality that may not seem to include us to find the ones we fit in. Art gives us that chance

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mad respek, masked hero(ine)! mad respek.

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I need to get you more Spidey comics!

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Lord knows I bow to the patron saint of fucking up!

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I never realized the impact that comic books had on American society until I saw the movie "Unbreakable" . The first scene of the movie just reads:

"There are 35 pages and 124 illustrations in the average comic book

a single issue ranges in price from $1.00 to over $140,000

172, 000 comics are sold in the U.S. everyday.

over 62,780.000 each year

the average comic collector owns 3,312 comics and will spend

approximately one year of his of her life reading them"

wow! (on sort of related topic of being "Unbreakable" I read this the other day that I thought was too interesting not to share; "The late medieval French King Charles VI was one of the most notable sufferers of glass delusion. He was reported to have wrapped himself in blankets to prevent his buttocks from breaking. Instances of the delusion cropped up in medical encyclopaedias from across Europe.")

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Is this a second interview?

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I'm not sure I know what you mean!

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Agh my bad - I was thinking of his interview on Dan Ozzi's newsletter and got confused! Apologies 😅

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